Parent Carer Support and Wellbeing Project

Parent Carers 2024

Hi, my name is Davina and I am the Senior Parent Carer Support Worker for the project. The Parent Carer SuDavina Marslandpport and Wellbeing Project supports anyone caring for a child, or young person up the age of 25 years old, with a physical disability, mental health issues, learning disability or neurodevelopmental disorder. Your child does not need to have an official diagnosis to access this service.

The project offers one-to-one telephone and face-to-face support, a range of group sessions, referrals to other in-house services, such as counselling and benefits advice, training and referral pathways to other statuary and voluntary organisations.

Sarah Stevens

My name is Sarah and I work as a Parent Carer Support Worker. Both Davina and I have lived in experience of being parent carers and we know the challenges that a caring role can bring. We are here to support you, offering information, advice and a friendly ear for as long as you need us.


Date Activity Where and when
Tuesday 7th, 14th, 21st, 28thJan

In conjunction with Kate, from The Craft Junction

Funded by National Autistic Society

Wildflower Art Class

For girls and young women with autism (diagnosed, on the pathway, undiagnosed), who are home-schooled, school avoiding or not in employment.

Café area, Bridgend Carers


Thursday 9th Jan Parent Carer Drop-in

Informal drop-in with Lucy Johnson (parent carer volunteer) who can offer support around ASD, ADHD, PDA and school avoidance.

Supported by Rob Jones from DASH, who can offer support surrounding attendance difficulties, emotional health, wellbeing and behavioural needs

Children welcome.


Café area, Bridgend Carers.



Thursday 16th Jan Parent Carer Coffee and Craft Morning with Tanio



Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre

10am- midday

Saturday 18th Jan Lego Club

Lego building, crafts and games for disabled children and their siblings. Parents to stay. £1 per child

Main Hall


Tuesday 21st Jan Recognising and understanding autistic girls and young women Online, via Zoom
Saturday 25th Jan Wildflower Meet-up

Meet-up for our autistic girls and young women. 10 years +

Café area and main hall

Midday – 2pm


Saturday 25th Jan Family Bingo and quiz afternoon. Tickets £5 a family.

Join us for a fun afternoon in a relaxed setting. All the family are welcome!

Main Hall, Bridgend Carers Centre,

3 – 5pm

Thursday 30th Jan Parent Carer Drop-in

Informal drop-in with Lucy Johnson (parent carer volunteer) who can offer support around ASD, ADHD, PDA and school avoidance. Children welcome.

Supported by Rob Jones from DASH, who can offer support surrounding attendance difficulties, emotional health, wellbeing and behavioural needs

Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre

10am- midday

Tuesday 4th, 11th, 18th Feb Wildflower Art Class

For girls and young women with autism (diagnosed, on the pathway, undiagnosed), who are home-schooled, school avoiding or not in employment.

Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre


Thursday 13th Feb Parent Carer Coffee and Craft Morning

Willow Weaving with Out to Learn Willow

Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre

10am- midday

Saturday 15th Feb Lego Club

Lego building, crafts and games for disabled children and their siblings. Parents to stay. £1 per child

Main Hall


Thursday 20th Feb Parent Carer Drop-in

Informal drop-in with Lucy Johnson (parent carer volunteer) who can offer support around ASD, ADHD, PDA and school avoidance. Children welcome.

Supported by Rob Jones from DASH, who can offer support surrounding attendance difficulties, emotional health, wellbeing and behavioural needs

Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre

10am- midday

Saturday 22nd Feb Wildflower half-term meet up

Meet-up for our autistic girls and young women. 10 years +

Parent Carer, Vicky, will be there to let parents know more about her new coaching programme, focussing on self-esteem, relaxation, nutrition etc, which she will be piloting at the centre.

Café area and main hall



Tuesday 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March Wildflower Art Class

For girls and young women with autism (diagnosed, on the pathway, undiagnosed), who are home-schooled, school avoiding or not in employment.

Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre


Thursday 13th March Parent Carer Coffee and Craft Morning.

Join us for craft and coffee,

Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre

10am- midday

Saturday 15th March Lego Club

Lego building, crafts and games for disabled children and their siblings. Parents to stay. £1 per child

Main Hall


Tuesday 18th March Advocacy Workshop

Sharing ideas and advice on advocating for your child

Online, via Zoom


Saturday 22nd March Wildflower Meet-up

Meet-up for our autistic girls and young women. 10 years +

Café area and main hall


Thursday 27th March Parent Carer Drop-in

Informal drop-in with Lucy Johnson (parent carer volunteer) who can offer support around ASD, ADHD, PDA and school avoidance. Children welcome.

Supported by Rob Jones from DASH, who can offer support surrounding attendance difficulties, emotional health, wellbeing and behavioural needs

Café area, Bridgend Carers Centre

10am- midday